Friday, May 18, 2012

H2O or H2H?

Recently, the Holy Spirit has been whispering, “Slow down.  You are going over the speed limit in life.”  He has been speaking through devotionals, speakers, authors, friends, counselors, and yes, His small, still voice.  Sometimes I feel as if I am a NASCAR racer.  There is a reward for the first person to finish that race!  Why is it that we treat busyness as a sign of success?  This question has been posed several times lately…through authors and speakers.  Craig Jutila acknowledges in the book he and Mary Jutila co-authored, “Jesus moved from the chaos of the crowd to quiet comfort; He went from a hectic place to a healthy pause.” (Pg 111 From Hectic to Healthy) Mark 6:46 reads, “After leaving them, he went up on a mountainside to pray.”  Although Jesus was perfect, He needed solitude and time to refuel…time with His Heavenly Father.  This was His living water….His H20.  Let’s face it, when we drink H2O, we feel replenished and reenergized.  A healthy lifestyle also replenishes and reenergizes.  In contrast, a hectic lifestyle depletes and diminishes.

The book, From Hectic to Healthy, (H2H) written by Craig and Mary Jutila is one method God has gotten my attention.  Craig and Mary utilize several acronyms that creatively help the reader to remember the techniques to living a balanced and healthy lifestyle.  Craig and Mary do not simply teach techniques.  They open their hearts and souls to the reader.  They authentically share how they are moving toward a healthy life.  They state emphatically, “This is not a destination, rather a journey.”

The Jutilas’ begin with “Understanding SPIN. (Seasons, Priorities, Isolation, & Neglect.  I especially loved the chapter on priorities.  Their authenticity made me realize that the priorities I desired were not the priorities I was living each day.  My desired priorities were not aligned with my daily routine. 

The section “Setting PACE served as a catalyst for change in my life.  PACE represents Practice Soul Care, Act Accordingly, Come Together, & Enjoy Life.  Wait!  It is acceptable to simply enjoy life?!  I am not sure I can define that phrase without attaching it to productivity, ministry, making a difference, etc.  Mary and Craig speak of laughter being like medicine.  I realized that I must leave room for laughter.  As my kids would say, “Lighten up, Mom!” 

If you struggle with feeling like you are a NASCAR racer or a gerbil running inside the wheel and there is no STOP ahead, I encourage you to read this book.  You will not be disappointed!  I would venture to say that an H2H life is just as vital to our soul as H2O is to our body. 

What is your obstacle keeping you from living a healthy life?  What is the ONE change you can implement to bring you closer to a healthy lifestyle?  Remember, “it is not a destination, it is a journey.” (Craig & Mary Jutila)

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” 
(Matthew 11:28-30)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

M&M's: Mud to Masterpiece

Ever since I can remember, M&M’s have been one of my favorite treats.  It never occurred to me that God would use this sweet and satisfying candy to connect with my deepest, darkest humanness.  Isn’t that the way God works though?  He takes our trash and makes it beautiful in His perfect way!  Sour to sweet! 
He offers a “fresh start.”  He picks us up from the mud and creates a masterpiece...with His touch.  The Holy Spirit began speaking these words to my heart at our church picnic a couple of weeks ago.  I stood on the sidelines and watched my tenacious and adventurous associate pastor slide through a mud puddle.  He had one purpose:  to raise money for missions!  He was willing to get “dirty” for a ‘beautiful’ cause.  I watched from afar and visually could see his entire body covered in mud.  His beaming smile overpowered that ‘mud’ as he pointed to Heaven and shouted, “Praise You, Jesus!” 
The Holy Spirit continues to resurface this portrayal of mud.  God is so gracious to not leave me ‘stuck in the mud.’  He continues to whisper, “Your mud is My masterpiece.”
 This past Sunday, I was in the worship service for a matter of minutes.  Our guest worship leader spoke of how his daughter began running into the mud…he tried to stop her.  Too late…she ran faster and leaped into mud He began to hear his Heavenly Father speak tenderly, “She is just like you.”  I heard words of grace as he spoke…undeserving grace…but unconditional grace.  Grace that only our Father can offer.  Grace that offers complete freedom…the only catch…we must be willing to receive this.  We have power through the Holy Spirit who sets us free.  When we trust, that trust breaks through to complete freedom.  HOPE is found. 
One would think God would have broken through to the core of my being.  Not yet.  He spoke these words a third time.  I picked up the book,Fresh Start by Doug Fields.  I read, “We may think we’re unstuck, but we still have one leg deeply planted in the mud.”
For perfectionists like myself, it’s difficult to see past the mud.  It is difficult to allow God to remove the “mud.”  We feel we deserve to stay in the mud.  Maybe only one foot remains in the mud…but God wants to rescue us from the mud.  He wants to wash us clean and allow thatmud to mold into a masterpiece.  He wants to take our mud…and make a beautiful thing out of it.  He wants to give us a fresh start…each and everyday.  What is your ‘mud?’ How will you allow God to create a masterpiece?
Psalm 40:2, “He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.”

Rx for Anxiety

"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."Matthew 11:28-30 (The Message)
Have you ever felt overwhelmed, incompetent, unqualified, or uncertain? Have you ever questioned if you were in the will of God? As you have conversed with God, have you ever asked this question, “Why me, Lord? Why did you choose me?”
I have found myself asking these questions this past week and experiencing these identical feelings. Over the past 48 hours, I cried out to my Father and asked, “How do I get past these feelings of inadequacy?” The truth is that prior to the move to Milgen Rd., I was making progress in this area of my life. I realized the past few days that I have given the enemy more power than he deserves. This caused me to ask, “How have I allowed him to overcome my mind once again?” The Holy Spirit revealed to me that I have not been spending enough time in the Word. My heart was filled with conviction.
It is far too easy to allow our task list to take precedence over our time with God the Father. God had a plan from the beginning when He set the example of rest on the seventh day.He desires for His children to receive the gift of rest. He desires for us to spend quiet time with Him. As we place a priority on spending daily quiet time, we will hear His small, still voice and He will serve as our compass that guides us.
This morning, I began my day in His Word, prayer, and then picked up my devotional. He began speaking to my questioning heart as the devotional for today spoke about ‘But God Moments.’ These are moments in our lives where we may be hesitant to trust that we can fulfill the mission, but God will equip and empower us. (excerpt from The Word for You Today)
I began to weep as I realized my Creator loves me enough to speak to my heart through His Word, devotionals that on the very day I needed encouragement, He spoke words of Truth into my heart. As if this weren’t a gift in itself, He revealed His love to me yet again. I began writing my first encouragement blog to each of you. As I was writing, I began listening to a Christian radio station and a song began playing entitled, “Word of God Speak.”
I have been praying for the Holy Spirit to speak to me through His Word and His small, still voice. I desire to do the will of God. When we are obedient, He listens and He answers our prayer. Jesus is truly our Forever Friend. He never fails us.When we are most out of our comfort zone, it forces us to rely on Him. I am learning that we are powerless in ourselves but He is powerful through us. We are His hands and feet and He desires to use us to accomplish His perfect will.
I encourage you to trust Him today. More importantly, spend some quality time with your Forever Friend. You will be amazed as He expresses His love to you in a very tangible way.He will fill your cup to overflowing. Rest in His grace and walk in freedom knowing you are not alone. He is with you…always and forever.
If you would like to listen to the song that ministered to me, I encourage you to click on this link. Enjoy!

Confidence in Christ in the Midst of Change

As we embark upon a new journey within Kingdom Kids ministry, we are challenged to rely upon Jesus even more to guide us every step of the way. As your leader, this is a challenge I have not faced prior to coming to Christ Community.
I am thankful that in my weakness, He is strong. As this ministry continues to expand, teamwork is more important now than ever before.
Imagine this…you are on a football team. It is seconds to the end of the game and this play could either help you win the game…or lose it. You are huddled together and the coach informs the quarterback of the play. The quarterback then passes this information on to the team. Is the coach 100% certain that this play is going to win the game? Of course not!The one thing that is certain is that it will take teamwork to make the win a possibility.
I am excited to witness young families feeling loved and a part of Christ Community from the moment they walk through our doors. Their children enjoy learning about Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. As your leader, I want to encourage you that as change unfolds, we are in this together. God has already gone before us and the Holy Spirit is guiding us into His perfect will.
Paul says in 2 Corinthians 3:1-6, “Are we beginning to praise ourselves again? Are we like others, who need to bring you letters of recommendation or who ask you to write such letters on their behalf? Surely not! The only letter of recommendation we need is you yourselves. Your lives are a letter written in our hearts; everyone can read it and recognize our good work among you. Clearly, you are a letter from Christ showing the result of our ministry among you. This “letter” is written not with pen and ink, but with the Spirit of the living God. It is carved not on tablets of stone, but on human hearts. We are confident of all this because of our great trust in God through Christ. It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualification comes for God. He has enabled us to be ministers of His new covenant. This is a covenant not of written laws, but of the Spirit. The old written covenant ends in death; but under the new covenant, the Spirit gives life.”
He takes the unqualified and makes them qualified by the power of His Name.
Aren’t you glad that as we serve Him, He decides to make us a part of His great plan? He did not have to do this…but Hechose to use us to glorify Him. That is the key: as we humble ourselves, allow Him to use us, and place our confidence in Him, He will be glorified. As we serve obediently, others experience the love of Christ. We are His hands and feet…I pray that we would always place our trust in Him…Jesus is the One coach who will never let this team down. He DOES know the winning play!